Global Entrepreneurship Conference 2024

CEFE Macedonia for the second time organized a global conference on entrepreneurship, which was held in the Public Room on 06/26/2024. starting at 10.30 am. The general goal of the conference is to promote entrepreneurship, because there is no better time than today for the development of global business and career, the Macedonian economy has a strategic determination and direction towards the single market of the European Union. The conference shared good practices and facts why entrepreneurial learning is needed, methods of self-motivation for learning by entrepreneurs, as well as sharing of tools and programs for entrepreneurial learning. At the conference, new information, guidelines and thoughts on the development of entrepreneurship were also received. Zoran Vitanov, who is one of the founders of CEFE Macedonia and one of the first who had the vision to start building entrepreneurs with competencies, joined the Global Entrepreneurship Conference 2024. Part of the Cefe Macedonia team also had their speeches, including Jovan Stalevski, trainer and President of CEFE Macedonia. The event also celebrated 16 years of CEFE Macedonia, or 16 years of building competent entrepreneurs in Macedonia and the region. NEXT-EM dooel also had its presence.