To register a domain, it is necessary to check whether the domain is free.

If the domain is free, the following documents are required:

    For legal entities, the request is submitted electronically if it is signed with an electronic/digital signature in accordance with the electronic signature regulations valid in R. Macedonia. In that case, it is necessary to submit only proof of payment for the domain registration service to the following e-mail address: In case the legal entity does not have an electronic/digital signature, the registration request should be submitted in original. In addition to the request, it is necessary to attach a copy of the current status of the legal entity (not older than 6 months, issued by the Central Registry of the Republic of Moldova) and proof of payment.
    For natural persons, the request is submitted in person at the premises of NEXT-EM. In addition to the request, it is necessary to submit an identity card (for inspection) and proof of payment for the domain registration service. When the request is submitted electronically, it is signed with an electronic/digital signature in accordance with the electronic signature regulations in force in R. Macedonia. In that case, it is necessary to submit only proof of payment for the service to the following e-mail address:

The domain registration request can be completed electronically using Adobe Reader.

The national internet domain of the Republic of Macedonia is the top Macedonian domain .mk as well as the Cyrillic internet domain .mkd.
Within the .mk domain, subdomains are organized, which are called secondary domains. In secondary domains, subdomains called tertiary domains are registered in the .mk domain.

In the top .mk domain, according to MARnet’s rules, the following are organized:

Primary domain .mk
Secondary domains


In the top .mkd domain, according to MARnet regulations, the following are organized:

Primary domain .mkd

NEXT-EM is the authorized registrar for the registration of the top-level domain .mk and the secondary domains:,,,,, as well as for the top-level domain .mkd.
For the registration of the secondary domain, MARnet remains authorized.

All legal and natural persons have the right to register a secondary domain in the primary domain .mk.
All legal and natural persons have the right to register a secondary domain in the primary domain .mkd.

The right to register a tertiary domain in the secondary domain has: educational and scientific research institutions, foreign educational organizations that have permission to perform educational and scientific research activities.

The following have the right to register a tertiary domain in the secondary domain non-profit organizations, citizens’ associations and foundations, political parties, trade unions, public health institutions, funds, foreign embassies, non-profit foreign organizations that are permitted by international agreement or in accordance with the law to perform non-profit activity.

The right to register a tertiary domain in the secondary domain, and has the following: trading companies, natural persons registered for independent activity, persons with public powers, the chambers of these persons, cooperatives, financial organizations and other physical and legal entities.

The number that can be registered by one registrant is unlimited.

Domains are registered for a period of one to ten years, with the right to extension after the period for which it is registered.

The registrant is responsible for the accuracy of the data in the request and for the reliability of the attached documentation attached to the domain registration request. If it is further determined that the data submitted in the request is incorrect or that the documentation attached to the request is unreliable, the registrar has the right to delete the domain without the prior consent of the registrant.

The registrant bears responsibility for any violation of intellectual property (copyright, industrial property and other protection in accordance with the regulations governing this matter), as well as for any damage caused as a result of such violation, which results from initiating a domain registration procedure or domain usage.
The registrar has the right to delete the domain without the prior consent of the registrant.

Regulations for .MK and .MKD

The domain name CANNOT be changed.

The registrar can make a change in the domain register, upon request of the contact for the domain, and that:

  • Change of administrative contact can be done by the registrant or the administrative contact himself.
  • Change of technical contact can be done by the registrant or the technical contact himself.
  • Change of name servers can be done by the registrant, administrative or technical contact.
  • Change of registrant can only be done by the registrant together with the new registrant.
  • The registrant is the only contact authorized to delete the domain.

According to MARnet’s rules, the registrant submits a request for extension of domain registration to the Registrar at least 15 days before the expiration of the registration period. The request for extension can be sent to the following e-mail address: In addition, the registrar’s system reminds the client and enables the submission of a registration request.

If the domain is not renewed by the date of registration, it enters a protected period of 120 days and during that period no changes can be made to the domain data.

If the domain is not renewed within the first 60 days of the protected period, the domain is deleted from the .mk zone, but cannot be registered by another registrant.

After the expiration of the remaining 60 days of the protected period (or a total of 120 days), the domain is deleted and can be registered by another registrant.

If the Registrant has ceased to exist, the legal heirs can request the acquisition of the right to use the domain, that is, re-registration of the existing domain and entry of their name in the register.

With the request for registration, additional documentation must be submitted, such as a valid deed proving the right to inherit.

The registrant of the domain can give up the right to use the domain with a statement. At the moment of giving a written statement to the Registrar, the domain is deleted and can be registered by another person in the domain registration procedure.

Permanent arbitration at MARnet is responsible for resolving disputes related to domain registration in accordance with the Rules for Arbitration Procedures for the Resolution of Domain Registration Disputes.

The domain registration can be canceled and the domain deactivated and deleted from the registry in the following cases:

  • The registrant is acting contrary to the conditions for domain registration and contrary to the Registration Regulations established by MARnet.
  • The registrant requested in writing the cancellation of the registration and its deletion from the register.
  • The registrant of the domain has not settled the financial obligations for registration or renewal of the domain.
  • The registrant is unable to meet the technical conditions for the functioning of the domain.
  • The registrant provided wrong and unreliable data and documentation in the registration procedure.
  • The registrant did not submit a change of mandatory data about himself and for the use of the domain.
  • The registrant does not comply with his obligations and responsibilities prescribed by the Domain Registration Regulations.
  • The registrant does not assume responsibility or cooperate with the service, that is, with the persons authorized for the domain and in other cases when it is necessary to undertake certain activities.
  • The registrant of the domain misuses the domain in a way that by use or non-use infringes intellectual property, copyright under positive legal regulations.
  • In other cases established by law
  • If the domain is not renewed and the protected period of 120 days has passed, the Registrant has lost the right to use the domain.

To register the domain, technical setting of the name servers (DNS settings) is necessary.

According to the rules of MARnet, the name of the .mk domain can contain the following elements:

  • To consist of letters of the alphabet (in this case, lower and uppercase letters are not distinguished), the numbers from 0-9 and the sign “-” (dash).
  • To consist of at least 1 (one) to a maximum of 63 (sixty-three) characters, and the first and last characters cannot be the “-” (dash) character.
    The character “-” (dash) must not appear twice in a row.

According to MARnet rules, the .mkd domain name can contain the following elements:

  • It should consist of letters from the Macedonian alphabet (lowercase and uppercase letters are not distinguished), the numbers 0-9 and the sign “-” (dash).
  • To consist of at least 3 (three) to a maximum of 30 (thirty) characters, and the first and last characters cannot be the “-” (dash) character.
    The character “-” (dash) must not appear twice in a row.