Visioning workshops
Organized by the National Development Strategy, on March 18, 2022. starting at 10 am in Hotel Alexander Palace in Skopje, Visioning workshops were held. The National Development Strategy 2022-2042 is a long-term strategic document, which with an inclusive, analytical and participatory approach will “produce” an apolitical, inclusive, long-term, development document, with defined priorities in the interest of society and the state.
The National Development Strategy 2022-2042 will be a strategic document for the development of our country in the next 20 years which will be consensual and supra-party, interethnic, gender and socially comprehensive. It aims to create the future of our country in which everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of age, gender, city, ethnicity or religion. The workshops were attended by almost 200 citizens, including representatives of civil society, public institutions, business sector, professors, students and high school students, representatives of marginalized and vulnerable groups of citizens. The workshops were attended by Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bitiqi who sent a motivating message that people and their ideas and visions are the greatest wealth of our country. The preparation of the National Development Strategy 2022 – 2042 is a national process whose main coordinator is the Government with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje, UN_MK and UNDP MK, but the process includes many other national actors, and of course the citizens. NEXT-EM dooel also actively participated in the event in the field of infrastructure, information and communication technologies.