Public debate for announcement of working version of national cyber security strategy
At the invitation of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, NEXT-EM dooel attended the public debate on the working version of the National Strategy for Cyber Security of the Republic of Macedonia. The public debate was held on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at 10 am in the Club of Members of Parliament, Skopje.
The working draft of the National Strategy for Cyber Security of the Republic of Macedonia was briefly taken over, which was jointly prepared by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The discussion was attended by the Minister of Information Society and Administration Damjan Mancevski, the Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska and the Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski. The document has been in operation for the past several months, within the Working Group for drafting strategic documents in the field of cyber security, and the strategy is currently published and available for comments and suggestions from all stakeholders. This document, the National Strategy on Cyber security, is of paramount importance for the citizens and institutions of the state that need to guarantee their safety.