Promotion of "Comparative Analysis - Reports of the EC"

EUROTHINK – The Center for European Strategies and the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM) each year after the publication of the Report on Macedonia to the European Commission, prepare a Comparative Analysis for the last four reports.This year, 2018, the two organizations prepared the ninth edition of the Comparative Analysis covering the period 2014-2018. The analysis was presented on April 19, 2018 at the Holiday Inn Hotel between 11 am and 1 pm.

The presentation of the Comparative Analysis was held at a public debate where, after the introductory addresses of the civil society representatives, the findings from several key areas of the report were discussed. The debate focuses on issues such as: 1) Democracy and the rule of law; 2) Economic development and economic criteria; and 3) The role of civil society and the future of the accession process. The report was addressed by HE. Mr. Bujar Osmani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia in charge of European Integration, Mr. Ljupco Petkovski, EUROTHINK-Center for European Strategies, Ms. Fani Karanfilova-Panovska, Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Mr. Andreja Stojkovski, EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies.