Promotion of a research report
The Macedonian Anti Poverty Forum had a presentation of the report from the research “Challenges and problems of citizens in the use of public administration services” held on December 25, 2017 in the Public Room, Skopje.It was also attended by NEXT-EM dooel.
The organizer of the event is the Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform within the framework of the developed strategic partnership with the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA and a signed memorandum of cooperation with the MISA within the project “Strengthening the National Capacity for the Collection, Analysis, Dissemination and Use of Population data, for informed policy development and identification of social and economic inequalities. “
The research and the report were prepared by EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies. Opening the event and presenting the need for such a report, presented by Biljana Dukovska, Macedonian Platform against Poverty.The event was also attended by Ana Malceva, Ministry of Information Society and Administration, on the Importance of the Document for Participatory Policy Creation, Ljupco Petkovski and Diana Zupanoska from EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies – Presentation of the report and conclusions from the research, followed open discussion.