Presentation of the Fifth Report on the Work of AVMS and AEC

Eurothink – Center for European Strategies, NGO Infocenter, Transparency Macedonia and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, presented the fifth periodic monitoring report on the work of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) and the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEC),within the project “Monitoring the Performance, Effectiveness, Transparency and Accountability of Media Regulatory Bodies – PROformance Watch”.

The presentation was held on February 14 (Friday) 2020, at the hotel Solun, Skopje, at 10:30 am. In this fifth periodic monitoring report on the work of the AEC and AVMS, qualitative assessments and quantitative data on the transparency and accountability of the two AVMS and AEC regulatory bodies are published. Presentation of findings from the fifth periodic monitoring report on the work of AVMS and AEC had Goran Lazarov, Project Manager of EuroTink and Biljana Bejkova, Executive Director of NGO InfoCentre. The second part of the event discussed “What is 5G technology? What are the advantages and disadvantages of introducing this new technology?” Dimitar Bukovalov, MISA, President of the National Broadband Competencies Office (BHO), Igor Bojadziev, Advisor to the Director of Radiocommunications,radio frequency control and monitoring, AEC and Bardil Jashari, Executive Director of the Metamorphosis Foundation, they gave their opinion on this topic. After their presentation, Sasho Dimitrijoski, Director of the AEC, gave his opinion. The project is supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.