Models of accountability in the security system
Foundation for Internet and Society – Metamorphosis in cooperation with IFEX – Global Network for the Protection and Promotion of Freedom of Expression implements activities to develop a monitoring / surveillance methodology as part of the country’s security system. In two sessions, representatives of institutions, the academic community and the civil sector discussed reforms in the field of national security and interception of communications as an integral part of national security.
At the event participated Magdalena Lambovska – Evrothink, Kebir Avziu – Faculty of Law Tetovo, Marjan Gjurovski – Faculty of Security Bitola, Aleksandar Nikolov – Zenit, Andrej Petrovski – Share Foundation, Ice Ilijevski -Council for Civil Oversight, Zoran Angelovski – OTA and moderators Elena Stojanovska and Filip Stojanovski. The event was held on 22.10.2019. at TCC Grand Plaza starting at 9am. NEXT-EM was also present.