MASIT Conference: Digital Transformation in Macedonia - A Challenge or Reality?
At the invitation of MASIT, NEXT-EM dooel attended the conference “Digital Transformation in Macedonia: A Challenge or Reality”, which took place on September 27, 2018 (Thursday), at the Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, starting at 11:00.
The conference aimed to cover and discuss topics and issues in the area of: Internet of things, Security and Cloud Computing. For the fifteenth time, MASIT has traditionally organized its annual conference as a successful gathering of all ICT stakeholders from the country and the region, and within it, participants were: representatives from domestic ICT companies and companies from all industries using ICT solutions, representatives from state institutions and ministries, representatives of the donor community, professors and representatives of universities that educate ICT staff, media and others. They took their part, Anita Nikova, Executive Director of MASIT, Goran Poposki, President of the Board of Directors of MASIT, Damjan Mancevski, Minister of Information Society and Administration, Willem Vouter Plop, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Macedonia, Frank Zervos, Director Sales and Consulting , – Oracle, CIE “Digital Disruption and Innovation – The Future Is Now …”