MARnet - Meeting with registrars 2022
At the invitation of MARnet, NEXT-EM dooel attended a meeting with the registrars which took place on May 25, 2022. at the De Gama Restaurant in Skopje, starting at 10 am. At the event, MARnet discussed topics that it considered to be of interest to the registrars, such as: General domain data, Topics arising from the MARnet Rulebook and Topics proposed by the Registrars.
The meeting was attended by most of the registrars, where the topics were discussed at the suggestion of MARnet, but even more were discussed the thoughts and current problems that registrars face during the operation. The director of MARnet, Mr. Tomi Bozinovski, also introduced himself at the meeting, while the event itself was led by Eva Nestorovska, Head of the Department for Archival and Office Work, but the other MARnet employees, especially the technical staff, also took an active part. The registrars agreed that an association of registrars should be formed, which will represent them at the meetings of the Management Board of MARnet, especially for topics that directly affect them, as well as that meetings with MARnet should be more frequent. NEXT-EM also participated actively.