International Symposium

The Institute for Communication Studies (ICS) and IREX organized the International Symposium “Reclaiming The Digital Information Space” as part of USAID’s Media Literacy Project, which took place on February 23, 2023. in Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje starting at 09:30. ICS organized the symposium to open a discussion on how media and information literacy can help build trust in the media, but also learn to use new media tools to affect positive social change. Speakers (academics, youth activists, experts in the field, and researchers from the US, the EU, and the Western Balkans) highlighted different approaches to studying key media literacy issues. The event was opened with introductory speeches by the director of ICS, Zaneta Trajkoska, and the USAID representative, Jeri Dible. The symposium had 3 panel discussions, namely Panel I: Reclaiming The Digital Information Space, Panel II: Can media literacy education keep up with the “algorithm”? and Panel III: How Digital Media Leads to Social Change. As part of the event, there was also a workshop on digital security for young people. NEXT-EM dooel also had its presence at the event.