Organized by MKStartup and Impetus, Thursday 19.09. 2019 by 17h. an event was held on the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection, where we could hear more about the regulation, which affects us no matter where we live.
Topics discussed were:
What is the General Data Protection Regulation?
What impact does this regulation have on you and the companies?
What personal data is protected under this regulation?
Do we have the right to request that our data be deleted from a company’s servers?
What are the consequences if companies do not comply with this regulation?
Answers to these questions were provided by Liljana Pecova – Ilieska who is a Master of Philology, founder of IMPETUS – Center for Internet, Development and Good Governance, as well as one of the founders of the Internet Governance Forum in Macedonia, IGF-MKD. Member of the Appeals Commission of the Media Ethics Council. He is the author of several scientific papers on personal data protection, as well as part of the expert group for the preparation of the postgraduate program in this field. Certified Adult Trainer. Long-term contribution to education of target groups in education for safer internet for children and pupils. He is part of the privacy protection community with a particular interest in the “security and surveillance” sector and “the right to privacy, especially in the media”. NEXT-EM dooel also participated in the event.