First Conference – Heidelberg Institute

The Heidelberg Institute organized the First Anti-Corruption Conference, which took place on April 4, 2024. in the premises of the Heidelberg Faculty in Skopje. There were two panels at the conference, where experts from certain fields spoke. Panel 1 discussed the current state of the public procurement system, weaknesses and risks, and Aleksandar Argirovski, State Counselor at the Public Procurement Bureau and Maxim Acevski, Chief State Auditor at the State Audit Office, gave their opinion. In Panel 2, the Prevention and Fight against corruption in public procurement was discussed, and Irena Popovska, the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Gordana Gješkoska, gave their opinion. Retired Public Prosecutor and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Deanoska Trendafilova, Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law “Justinjan Prvi”, UKIM. Sanja Kostadinovski, MA, Independent Inspector in the Financial Police Administration was the moderator of the event. The purpose of this Conference is to contribute to the building of “public integrity” in the direction of good governance, which would contribute to all stakeholders involved in the public procurement process being truly worthy of public trust and respect. In that direction, the idea is for the participants to familiarize themselves with the current state of public procurement in relation to corruption and identified weaknesses, as well as to point out the risks of corruption that exist in the field of public procurement to fully shed light on the situation and encourage public awareness. In the direction of effective prevention and fight against corruption in public procurement. NEXT-EM company was also present at the event.