Eurothink - Promotion of the study "Challenges in the management of IPA"
At the invitation of Eurothink, NEXT-EM dooel attended the study “Challenges in the management of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance” held on December 11, 2017. at Hotel Holiday Inn, Hall Living Room, at 10.00 am The study was prepared by Eurothink – Center for European Strategies, and supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
The study was developed within the framework of the “Civil Action for Emergency Reform Priorities” concept, implemented jointly by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia and Eurothink – Center for European Strategies. Financial support for the implementation is provided by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
The panel discussion was attended by Mr. Dragan Tevdovski, Minister, Ministry of Finance, Mr. Nikola Bertolini, Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union in Skopje, Ms. Fani Karanfilova-Panovska, Executive Director, Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Mr. Aleksandar Kolekeski, Eurothink – Center for European Strategies, Key findings in the study and Mr. Ljupco Petkovski, Executive Director, Eurothink – Center for European Policies as Moderator. The panel discussion was aimed at fostering debate and cooperation among the actors involved in the EU accession process, both state and non-state, by improving mutual partnerships in the utilization of European funds.