Design and new technologies for a sustainable future

Conference on “Design and new technologies for a sustainable future” organized by the Embassy of R. Italy and ITA- Italian Trade Agency Skopje, within the Italian Design Day, was held on Wednesday, March 23, starting at 10.00, at the Alexander Palace Hotel Skopje.

The conference was opened by the Ambassador of Italy H.E. Andrea Silvestri and Prof. Dr. Ognen Marina, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. This year, the 6th edition of Italian Design Day, aimed to present new technologies to improve the quality of life in urban areas, “green”, “smart” and innovative solutions for urban transport, traffic management, maximizing energy efficiency. efficiency and environmental protection. To this end, the most eminent Italian companies presented their products and technologies, such as Iveco – Mr Andrea Ciommi, Enea – Mr Andrea Lazzari,Systematica – Mr Giovanni Bottini and Sace – Mr. Ozgur Dural. At the conference NEXT-EM dooel also had its presence.