Cyber Security Conference
At the invitation of the Agency for Electronic Communications, NEXT-EM dooel attended the International Cyber Security Conference, which was held from 5 to 6 June 2019. in Hotel Metropol – Ohrid. Second year in a row, AEK, together with the National Center for Response to Computer Incidents MKD-CIRT as part of the AEC, is organizing an International Conference on Cyber Security, titled “Computer Security Incident Response Teams and Cyber Resilience”.
This conference was opened by the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Mr. Damjan Mancevski and the Director of the Agency for Electronic Communications, Mr. Saso Dimitrijoski. Several panel discussions were held at the conference in which the teams for the response to computer incidents took part as well as cyber security experts from international organizations, private companies, domestic representatives from the government and the public sector, as well as persons responsible for information security from the companies that manage with critical infrastructures. The aim of the conference was to improve cooperation among the teams in the region, exchange best practices and experiences to improve the resilience in the region of cyber attacks and protect critical infrastructures, discuss future forms of cooperation and joint action with international organizations. NEXT-EM also participated actively.