Conference "How did the institutions deal with the brain drain 2013-2020?"

The conference was held on October 21 (Wednesday) in Raguza Ruftop 360 in Skopje, starting at 12:00. The conference presented the monitoring analysis of the National Strategy for Networking, Cooperation and Prevention of Outflow of Higher Education and Professional Staff 2013-2020, as well as generating recommendations for the development of a new strategy. The event was opened by Ilija Stankovski – Program Director of LEAD, while the presentations were presented by Oliver Andreevski and Marjan Icoski.

At the panel on what policies we need to reduce brain drain, Milan Zivkovic – Labor Advisor had a speech and social policy in the Prime Minister’s Office, then Timcho Mucunski – MP and Darko Kaevski – MP. The moderator of the panel was Anita Nikolovska. Although high on the agenda of all political actors, the reduction measures are either non-existent or unrealized. The event was attended by representatives of state institutions relevant to the issue of “brain drain” from our country, as well as representatives of civil society organizations, international institutions and individuals who have experience in this area. NEXT-EM dooel also participated in the event.